TowerJazz Participation in 1H 2017 Global Semiconductor Events
Showcasing our specialty technology leadership, world class design enablement services and multi-sourcing capabilities
DAC l June 18-22, 2017 l Austin, TX
Hands-on training on our PDKs and demos on reference flows were provided at the TowerJazz booth along with technical presentations on our TS18PM mixed-mode reference design, using Tanner and Nitro as well as an Emprean reference design presentation and demonstration. We also collaborated with partners and presented our silicon photronics process and dedicated PDKs with Calibre tools and our automotive reliability with RESCAR checks and Calibre PERC reliability analysis at the Mentor booth. At the Cadence booth, we presented Cadence® Electrically Aware Design (EAD) and Voltus®-Fi Methodology enablement at TowerJazz. In addition, we presented our automotive offering and reference design using the Synopsys AMS flow.

International Microwave Symposium (IMS) l June 6-8, 2017 l Honolulu, HI
TowerJazz participated again this year at IMS (the International Microwave Symposium), a very important and relevant conference for TowerJazz to showcase our RFSOI, 65nm-RFCMOS, SiGe BiCMOS and MEMS foundry solutions for advanced wireless communications. IMS attracted nearly 8000 attendees and featured over 450 exhibiting companies from around the world. The conference program covered the latest RF, microwave, and wireless advances in emerging areas such as 5G, automotive, radar, wearable electronics, the Internet of Things, the Internet of Space, medical applications and many more. This year’s IMS focused specifically on 5G and millimeter-wave technologies which is aligned with TowerJazz’s advanced technology offerings.

ChipEx l May 9-10, 2017 l Tel Aviv, Israel
ChipEx is the largest annual event of the Israeli microelectronics industry. The event commenced with an Executive Summit on the opening evening with our CEO Russell Ellwanger providing the keynote speech, ”Value Creation, the Driver of Success”. On the next day, as part of the technical session, ”Advanced SW and Silicon Technologies,” Jonathan Kantarovsky, TowerJazz Device Engineer presented ”Improving Efficiency of Power Management ICs by Optimizing Resistance and Capacitance Using Triple Splits Gates (TSG) Transistors.”

HEART (Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology) l April 24-26, 2017 l Denver, CO
Each year, TowerJazz participates at HEART, one of the mainstay Aerospace and Defense (A&D) conferences attended by the key government agencies, all major Department of Defense (DoD) parties of interest, and a large number of TowerJazz A&D customers. This year TowerJazz stressed that through the Newport Beach facility, we serve the widest range of technologies that may be used by A&D customers for government, military, and defense requirements. These include large die ROICS, imagers, silicon photonics, CMOS on SOI for Rad Hard applications, and millimeter devices, among others.

Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) l March 26-30, 2017 l Tampa, FL
APEC 2017 focused on integrated power system solutions. TowerJazz showcased the expansion of our advanced power technology for low voltage and high voltage automotive applications: TS18PM technology up to 60V addresses low voltage up to 48V applications and TS18SOI technology addresses high voltage up to 200V automotive applications. TowerJazz’s 0.18um BCD and SOI power technology is qualified in our Tonami, Japan fab, providing our customers with two sites and over 30 years of automotive IC manufacturing experience. The TowerJazz team has introduced the San Antonio fab as well for a broad range of applications using our 0.18um BCD technology.

SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing Expo l April 11-13, 2017 l Anaheim, CA
SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics, and the exhibition is key for researchers, engineers, and product developers for everything from components to the most advanced sensor systems. At SPIE, TowerJazz featured our strategic, on shore foundry services for critical U.S. aerospace and defense applications. As SPIE is an international conference serving both defense and commercial markets, we also communicated our off shore offerings and capabilities and had customer interest in our Israeli and Japanese facilities as well.