
Message from Mr. Russell Ellwanger—TowerJazz CEO & TPSCo Chairman

“What could and should be done with all the time that lies ahead of us…”
– Pascal Mercier














  • 本業売上(マイクロンおよびパナソニックを除く)23%の増加を含み第4四半期売上高は、前年比75% 増加の2億3千500万ドル
  • 2014年度売上高は、前年比64%増加の8億2千800万ドル
  • 専業ファンドリとしては前年比売り上げトップ
  • マイクロンおよびパナソニックを除くトップ10カスタマーからの売上増加率は、 2013年度比34%増加
  • 記録的なデザインウィンおよび工場に投入されたマスク数は、前年比41%のマスク数増加


  • 売上中間見通し:2億2千500万ドル
  • 2014年度のEBITDAは1億5千400万ドルで、2013年度の8千900万ドルより大幅に増加
  • 36%のマージンを反映したNon-GAAPベースの売上総利益は8千400万ドルを記録。2015年第4四半期までにウォールストリートターゲットの40%を達成。
  • 2014年度Non-GAAPベースの当期純利益は1億2千8百万ドルで、2013年度の5千6百万ドルと比較して2倍以上の増加。
  • 強力なキャッシュの創出を伴った、2014年度GAAPベースの当期純利益
  • 健全な財務比率
  • 2013年12月31日時点の手元現金1億2千300万ドルに対して、 2014年12月31日時点は1億8千700万ドル

TowerJazz Annual Revenues


On the Way to the Internet of Things (IoT) Market

Yakov Roizin, TowerJazz Fellow

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the world where humans, machines and environment communicate between themselves using various sensor enabled semiconductor devices. Huge amounts of data are generated and processed in the IoT world through network structures. In the semiconductor industry, this will extend the markets of mobile applications, power management and data processing, thus opening new business opportunities.

IoT demands diverse silicon chips with integrated sensors, memories, processors, energy harvesting blocks, communication means, interfaces and security systems. The majority of IoT related designs to be implemented in semiconductor foundries require high reliability, low-power and low-cost technologies.

According to IBM market research, more than 220 billion sensor enabled objects are expected in 2020. Each one billion smart phones and radios for machine-to-machine communication devices would require approximately one million 200mm SOI RF CMOS wafers.

TowerJazz started IoT related R&D activities several years ago, most of these projects in tight cooperation with customers and partners. As one of the main strategic directions, SOI technology, where the basic IoT building blocks could be integrated in one chip, was selected.

In addition, other relevant IoT chip building blocks have been developed in TowerJazz fabs. Some of them, like unique RF front-end modules, including SOI antenna switches with record values of the figure of merit (FOM), are already widely used in customer products. Low power consuming CMOS transistors and IPs, and ultra-low power, low-cost non-volatile memories were already qualified and included in the TowerJazz offering. Feasibility of other smart SOI solutions, including a series of unique sensors, energy harvesting arrays and high voltage power management devices was demonstrated, and a part of these solutions patented. Besides the standard set of semiconductor sensors (like temperature and visible light sensors), several unique solutions well suited for IoT applications (on SOI and bulk silicon) were developed.

Ultra low-power consuming non-volatile memories (NVM) are considered one of the major IoT chip distinguishers. In this field, TowerJazz has a strong record of accomplishments and an extensive patent portfolio, which includes the well-known in the industry Y-Flash and C-Flash memories, successfully implemented in mobile applications

Being the only foundry that succeeded in embedding MRAM modules (joint project with Crocus Technologies) and working to introduce one of the ReRAM ultra-low power flavors, TowerJazz is excited to provide its customers with technologies allowing fabricating intelligent chips for diverse future IoT applications

Please submit the form below to download the TowerJazz white paper on IoT.




ガイ エリストフ TPSCo CEO

2014 年 4 月の創業以来、タワージャズ・パナソニック セミコンダクター株式会社 TPSCoは、いくつかの重要な成功を収めました。2014年12 月には、砺波工場でフェアチャイルドセミコンダクター社の量産を開始しました。これは産業・汎用の市場の複数の高性能ディスクリート デバイスのプロセスの移管です。我々はフェアチャイルド社のトップサプライヤーになることを非常に光栄に思っており、またタワージャズ と TPSCo両社のスペシャルティ技術と応用力の利点を提供することによって、フェアチャイルド社との関係強化を期待しています。当社 とフェアチャイルド社の多大な努力と協力により、プロジェクト開始から、わずか8ヶ月で量産を開始することができました。

当社 とフェアチャイルド社の多大な努力と協力により、プロジェクト開始から、わずか8ヶ月で量産を開始することができました。TPSCo技術開発チームは現在13のサードパーティのお客様と21件のプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。これらのプロジェクトの中には 2015 年の前半の量産開始を目標とし、混載用不揮発性メモリ、CISと高電圧パワーデバイスを含みます。


既に北陸の工場で承認され、お客様に提供可能な先端のIDM プロセス技術のいくつかに強い関心を持って頂いております。

TPSCo は 以下の3分野の半導体プロセス技術ソリューションの提供に注力します。

  • 車載用高信頼性プロセス
  • ハイエンドイメージ センサー (CIS と CCD)
  •  インターネット オブ シングス(IoT)の為のモバイル通信用プロセス

車載用製品製造における35年の経験と現在提供可能な0.3 umから65 nmの多くの高信頼性IDMフロー、これは、TPSCo がフォーカスし、差別化を図る領域です。我々は主要な日本のティア1自動車メーカーを含む複数のお客様向けにY フラッシュとTS18 を移管してこの分野を強化しています。また、1月上旬、我々はプロジェクト開始から4ヵ月未満で最初のウェーハ上でとても良い電気特性結果を得ることが出来ました。当社はまた、衝突防止システム用の77GHzのmm波技術を実現するために、65nmのRFCMOSプロセスも強化しています。

また、イメージングデバイスに関しては、TPSCoはイメージセンサの製造において世界トップ2または3に入るプロバイダーとして広く認知されています。我々の65nm 1.12um ピクセルプロセスは、グリーン量子効率74%、65℃において6.5エレクトロン/秒という低暗電流特性を実現しています。


このロットには、TPSCo 65nm RFCMOSプロセスを最適化したコンベンショナルおよびトラップリッチ層を有したSOIの検討ができるようになっています。

最初のテストマスクのデザインは、タワージャズ ニューポートビーチ研究所と密接に連携して作成し、お客様のRFスイッチ検証用回路も入っています。3月中旬には評価結果が出る予定で進めています。

TPSCoの強みの一つとして、自動化されたAPC(Advanced Process Control)技術とヴァーチャルメトロロジー技術を保有していることが挙げられます。技術者は、高品質の車載用製品製造のために必要な、重要で繊細なステップ、プロセス向けの最も高度なプロセスコントロール技術を開発しています。2014年の12月に開催されたISSM 2014 (International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2014)では、我々の技術者が “最高論文賞” を受賞しました。


昨年12月に、TPSCoは東京で『タワージャズ グローバルシンポジウム ジャパン』をタワージャズと共催しました。約70社から100名以上の方々にご参加頂き、我々のファンドリ戦略とテクノロジーについて、出席された日本のお客様と今後お客様となる可能性のある方々にアピールしました。我々は、国際的なスペシャルティファンドリという地位を確立するために、一生懸命に働き、スペシャルティファンドリのタワージャズグループのサポートを基にお客様のさらなるご発展を楽しみにしております。

タワージャズ & TPSCoテクニカルグローバルシンポジウム





我々は、CMOSイメージセンサ、SiGe/RF/HPA、ミックスドシグナル/CMOS、パワーマネジメント、プロセス移管サービス(TOPS)、MEMS等当社の技術の拡大とマルチソースファブ能力の提供を継続します。我々は最先端の45nm CMOS、65nm RF CMOSおよび65nm 1.12umピクセル技術等をTPSCoを通じてお客様により多くの技術を提供するだけでなく、日本での地理的優位性およびアジア太平洋地域のお客様にも密接なサービスを提供します。

米国では、重要な防衛アプリケーションの信頼できる半導体プロバイダとして、米国防総省(DoD)からCategory 1A Trusted Supplier(カテゴリー1Aの高信頼サプライヤ)として認定されたJazz Semiconductor Trusted Foundry (JSTF)のハイライトを含む航空宇宙・防衛部門の最新の技術情報が紹介されました。



また、タワージャズのパートナーである大手EDAやツールプロバイダー各社の展示スペースを設け、お互いのお客様のデザインニーズにあったソリューションのデモも行います。 ご協力いただいたスポンサー各社の継続的なご支援に感謝しております。

Dr. Marco Racanelli presenting on TowerJazz’s Specialty Technology Offerings at TGS USA

Thank you to our TGS sponsors!

Keysight TowerJazz PDK



November 4–6, 2014 | Stuttgart, Germany

TowerJazz exhibited for the second time at VISION, the world’s leading trade fair for the machine vision industry. The show took place in Stuttgart, on November 4–6, 2014 and hosted 432 exhibitors with over 8700 visitors from all over the world. The event was a big success as attendees were excited to see the latest technological advancements.

Every two years, hundreds of companies within the machine vision industry meet in Stuttgart and present a range of products and services from sensors to processors, cables to cameras, and software to illumination systems.

The main exhibitor crowd consisted of machine vision systems and very specific applications for various industries such as mechanical engineering, automotive, and medical technology, among others. At such an event, TowerJazz’s presence as a specialty foundry leader was unique.

With a focus in the field of CMOS image sensors and technology offerings for optical sensors, TowerJazz drew the visitors’ attention and was very well received by its customers that attended the show as well.

In addition, this is the first time TowerJazz has exhibited at VISION since it formed TowerJazz Panasonic Semiconductor Co. TPSCo with Panasonic Corporation.

This has enabled TowerJazz access to best of class 65nm CMOS image sensor dark current and quantum efficiency performance and additional 45nm digital technology as well as added available capacity of approximately 800,000 wafers per year (8 inch equivalent) in three manufacturing facilities in Japan.


ICCAD Conference

December 11-12, 2014 | Hong Kong

IC CAD 2014, one of the most important events in the semiconductor industry, was held in Hong Kong Science Parks on December 11–12, 2014. TowerJazz exhibited to showcase our foundry technologies and global footprint while demonstrating our continued dedication to meeting the needs of Mainland China and Hong Kong customers.

We exchanged several beneficial communications at the booth and we look forward to exploring many new business opportunities in the future.

Approximately 1400 people in total attended the event. Mr. Lei Qin, China Country Manager, presented TowerJazz’s rapid growth as an analog foundry in the APAC region. Of the nearly 100 people who attended his presentation, many were pleased to learn about our recent growth in APAC and our partnership with Panasonic to form TPSCo. This enterprise enables TowerJazz access to three fabs in Japan which expands technology offerings and manufacturing capabilities for TowerJazz customers in Asia.


GAIA Girls Love Science

As part of TowerJazz’s community outreach program in Israel, we donate funds to the Global Awareness Investigation and Action (GAIA) project. On December 11, female GAIA students traveled to Migdal Haemek to visit our facility. These students currently attend the American International School in Israel and come from the U.S., China, South Korea, India, Germany, Israel, and Nigeria.

Our Director of Process Engineers in FAB 1 (6” FAB), Lilach Zinger and other leading female scientists at TowerJazz met with the students to share their stories and passion for science. In Migdal Haemek, TowerJazz’s engineering staff is made up of ~35% women and this is not by accident.

As a leading global company, TowerJazz has a social agenda which strives to contribute to the community through a variety of activities while focusing on increasing diversity and gender equity throughout the company’s different sites.

By the end of the day, it became evident to the GAIA girls that this course was as much about fulfilling dreams as it was about science. According to GAIA, the girls walked away with an appreciation for science, being curious, learning every day, trying to become someone that will lead others, and recognizing that success is often the result of helping others succeed.

Many of the girls seemed interested in studying science in school and possibly pursuing it as a profession.



Christine Olson

Customer Operations Manager

Christine joined the company in 2010 as a Customer Operations Manager (COM) in the Newport Beach fab in the Customer Solutions group. Previously, from 2000-2005, she worked for Conexant, the company from which Jazz Semiconductor spun off in 2002.

Q. Please tell us about your position, focus areas, etc.

A. As a COM, I am one of the primary points of contact for our customers with regard to their orders, backlog, logistics and any other issues pertaining to order fulfillment. My job is to support customers with the highest quality of customer service.

Q: What do you enjoy about your position and what challenges you?

A: I am extremely fortunate to work with a wonderful group of people whom I respect personally and professionally, and I enjoy the interaction with my coworkers and customers.

Even though my position can be busy and challenging at times, knowing that you come to work each day supported by a strong team and good friends makes it so much easier. In this position, one must be meticulous to detail, constantly multi-tasking, and always be several steps ahead of where you are at the moment. But, I’ve found that there is a tremendous amount of satisfaction found in rising to these challenges and doing my job well.

Q: What is your focus this year from a business standpoint?

A: My primary focus this year is to maintain high customer satisfaction especially as the business and customer base continue to grow.

Q: What are some of your hobbies?

A: I enjoy kayaking, skiing, camping, hiking and riding on the back of my husband’s motorcycle. I am also working on finishing my Private Pilot’s License. Additionally, I volunteer with the Pacific Marine Mammal Center (an organization that rehabilitates sick/injured seals and sea lions and returns them to the wild) and the DreamCatchers (a philanthropic organization).

Q: What is your favorite travel destination?

A: Having lived in Japan for a number of years, it is one of my favorite places to visit and I’ll jump at any opportunity to go back. I also love spending time in the California Eastern Sierra Mountains and the Pacific Northwest.


TowerJazz makes IR sensor for Intel RealSense

TowerJazz has begun mass production of a near infrared light sensor used for depth sensing by Intel within its RealSense 3D camera. The sensor has a 3.5-micron pixel size and a global shutter and is described as a “very fast pixel that allows high quantum efficiency at near infrared light.” It is a complementary component to the scanning micromirror announced by STMicroelectronics.

“This collaboration between Intel and TowerJazz was a natural fit. Intel’s leadership in this market, combined with our leading technology that provides outstanding pixel performance for near IR 3D imaging, along with the proximity of our Israel fab with Intel Israel, the group developing this technology, was an ideal alignment,” said Russell Ellwanger, CEO of Tower, in a statement

TowerJazz and FLIR Systems Partner to Deliver Next Generation Commercial Infrared Technology

TowerJazz and FLIR Systems announced today their partnership to deliver next generation infrared (IR) technology to smartphone, security, industrial and other markets. TowerJazz has developed an industry leading capability for advanced micro thermal pixel array production.

These micro thermal pixel arrays include novel, high density pixels that enable FLIR to offer more powerful sensors with higher resolution in compact form factors. “When we combine the micro thermal arrays with integrated FLIR wafer level optics, software and MSX technology with TowerJazz process and manufacturing capability, we are able to deliver breakthrough product performance and value,” said Tom Surran, Chief Operations Officer – FLIR Systems.

TowerJazz Successfully Transfer Fairchild Discrete Devices to Japanese Fab

TowerJazz has announced that Fairchild Semiconductor has started mass production at TowerJazz Panasonic Semiconductor Co.’s (TPSCo’s) fabrication facility in Tonami, Japan. This is a process transfer from Fairchild of their state of the art discrete devices for the industrial and consumer markets.

“We chose TowerJazz as they are a market leader in process transfer capabilities and are known for the quality of their technical teams and transfer methodologies. There is excellent collaboration between our two companies and we are experiencing very fast project execution and ramp-up of production of our discrete devices,” said Dr. Wei-Chung Wang, SVP Operations, Fairchild Semiconductor.

TowerJazz and Physical Logic Announce Volume Production of High Performance MEMS-based Accelerometer for Inertial Navigation Applications

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) market is expected to reach $2.6B in 2015

TowerJazz and Physical Logic announced mass production of its MEMS accelerators, sensors which can be used in inertial navigation applications to calculate the direction and speed of moving objects such as ships, aircraft, submarines, guided missiles and spacecraft. They are also used for measurement activities including monitoring cardiac patients to translate signals from the heart to the pacemaker, seismic sensing, tilt sensing, etc.

“TowerJazz meets our very high requirements for performance, on-time delivery, quality and technical support demanded by our customers,” said Katja Beyer CEO and General Manager of Physical Logic Ltd. “TowerJazz’s MEMS offering, combined with its advanced power management platform and superior engineering capabilities, enhances our success in penetrating markets requiring MEMS-based accelerometer applications.”


SNUG Silicon Valley
March 23, 2015

March 23-26, 2015
Booth #416

April 20-24, 2015
Booth #1044

April 21-24, 2015

April 27-29, 2015

May 5, 2015

May 17-22, 2015
Booth #736

June 7-11, 2015

SNUG India
June 24, 2015