
Message from ラッセル・エルワンガー — タワージャズ最高経営責任者& TPSCo会長







  • あらゆる面において愛情と尊敬にあふれる夫婦関係を目にし、同様にその愛情と尊敬が子どもにも向けられる。このようにして、子どもは家庭でも他人に対しても、愛情を伝え、敬意を払うことが難なく行え、体得することができる。
  • 互いに刺激し合い、より高い展望を持って能力や自己研鑽を追求している夫婦からの影響力を実感する。
  • 身近な家族以外の個人や地域社会に影響を与え、他者への思いやりや責任感という意識を浸透させる、誠実な奉仕活動に囲まれて過ごす。
  • 技術、政治、ビジネスにおけるリーダーたちと頻繁に深い交流を持つよう促され、その機会が与えられる。このような経験は、学問、インターンシップ、キャリアを追求していく上で強みとなる。
  • 宗教、哲学、道徳について価値に基づいた議論を習慣的に行う。そうすることで、自身よりも大きな概念を通じて思考し、個人の信念や価値観の体系を形成する。
  • 家庭外での有意義な奉仕活動を大いに可能にさせる、経済的自由からの恩恵を体験する。そうすることで、経済的な自立を可能にする献身、努力、信条が価値あるものだと確信することができる。



その後執筆した『勇気ある人々』でピューリツァー賞を受賞、下院議員、上院議員を経て、米国大統領に就任しました。戦争の不毛さを目の当たりにしていたため、平和実現のために着実に動き、統合参謀本部の幹部や大統領顧問からの進言に反対し、核戦争を回避しました。抵抗姿勢を示す必要がある時は、ケネディ氏は信頼され、公民権法の制定を主張しました。さらに平和部隊(Peace Corp)を創設し、米国が奉仕活動をする機会を築きました。これは当時の米国にとって画期的な考えでした。





タワージャズは、日本においてパナソニックの創業者である松下幸之助氏のレガシーを受け継ぐ当社工場があることを、光栄に思っています。松下氏は裕福な家庭に生まれましたが、父親が米相場の失敗で破産したためすべてを失い、一家は窮地に陥りました。松下氏は9歳で小学校を中退し、大阪へ丁稚奉公に出されることになりました。自転車屋で5年間働きながら、金属加工について学び、その後、電気会社に入社しました。創業時は慎ましかったものの、最終的に世界屈指のエレクトロニクス企業となる会社を築き上げ、その強固な社会基盤により、日本の戦後復興に大きな役割を果たしました。松下氏は、自身の哲学とパナソニックの使命に沿った生き方を実践し、偉大なレガシーを残しました。戦後、創設したPHP研究所(Peace and Happiness through Prosperity、繁栄によって平和と幸福を)もその一つです。









あるカトリックの教会の外にあった看板に「職業とは、神に仕えるという選ばれし使命のことである」とあり、私はこの力強い真実に心打たれました。受け継いだ資産、チャンス、能力、またこのうちのいくつかを持ち合わせ、経営のトップに立つ者は、家族からの生得権と社会から得る生得権に生じた不平等を是正する上で強い立場にあります。フランスの概念であるノブレス・オブリージュ(Noblesse Oblige)とは、特権を持つ者が、弱い立場にあり機会に恵まれない者に対し責任を負うことです。この概念は、経営者を動かす原動力として実際に活用されるべきです。







  • 子どもの生得権は、親の生得権に加え、さらにそれを上回っているか?
  • 近親者以外にどのように社会に価値をもたらしたか?
  • その人は他社に機会を提供することに積極的だったか?


終わりに、私は非常に楽観的な見方をしていることをお伝えします。ウィリアム・フォークナー氏がノーベル賞受諾演説で述べた次の言葉に共感します。「私は、人間が耐えるだけでなく、勝利すると信じています。人間は不死であります。それは、生物の中で人間だけが尽きることのない声を有しているからではなく、魂、すなわち思いやり、犠牲、そして忍耐を司る精神があるからです」 フォークナー氏の言葉に 「そして、人間は変化することができる」を付け足したいと思います。人間にはレガシーを築く力があります。その人の過去を振り返るよりも、現在そして将来の姿のほうが重要になります。



タワージャズ CEO 


Third Quarter 2016 Financial Highlights

                              Quarterly Revenues ($M)

* Mid range guidance

TowerJazz’s Leadership Team Ringing the Nasdaq Stock Market Opening Bell – November 16, 2016


  • 売上は3億2千600万ドル(前年比34%増加)
  • 好調な2016年第4四半期売上見通し:3億4千万ドル(前年比34%増加)


  • 純利益は、前年の1千400万ドルに対して5千100万ドル
  • EBITDAは過去最高の9千700万ドル(前年比54%増加)


  • 純負債を1千600万ドルに削減
  • 現金および短期預金は3億6千300万ドルに増加
  • 株主資本は2015年12月31日時点の3億8千600万ドルに対して6億3千600万ドル


Power Management Business Unit’s focus, offering and achievements

今号では、副社長兼ミックスド・シグナル&パワーマネージメント事業部ゼネラルマネジャーのSimon Greenberg氏のメッセージをお届けします。Shimon氏は、2015年10月からミックスド・シグナル / CMOS 事業部、2016年4月からはパワー事業部の責任者を務めています。1998年にタワーセミコンダクター社に入社後、6年間様々なポジションを歴任しました。そして 1年以上経った後、再び同社に戻ってきました。

Shimon氏は、半導体業界で豊富な経験を持ち、Crystal-Video社、DS2 International、 Amimon社、O.D.F.オプトロニクス社でマネージメント職を歴任しました。

タワージャズは、最先端のパワーマネージメント製品のメーカーとして知られており、強力な研究開発投資とそれぞれの市場のリーダーであるお客様と密接に連携することにより、最先端の0.18um Bipolar-MOS-DMOS(BCD)プロセスを提供しています。当社の技術ロードマップは、お客様の将来の技術ニーズに合致するよう調整され、お客様に成長市場に取り組み、成功していただくために必要な特有の競争上の優位性をもたらします。





  • 積極的なロードマップで開発されるクラス最高の低抵抗パワー・トランジスター(LDMOS)を使用し、小型のシリコン・フットプリントかつ高い電力効率で超低消費電力から数十アンペアまで駆動できるパワーデザインをサポート
  • 最大100Vまでの製品設計をサポート、完全に絶縁分離されたパワーSOIプラットフォームを使用すれば200Vまで拡張可能
  • 設計者が異なるアイソレーションおよび電圧に対してすべてのアナログブロックを再利用することを可能にする、モジュラープロセスを使用した市場投入期間短縮をサポート
  • 設計者向けの高度な自動検証ツールと実践的なエンジニアリングサポートにより、ファーストタイムサクセスをサポート
  • デザインセンターの活用によるスペックからシリコンまでのワンストップショップ










CEO Russell Ellwanger presenting at TGS U.S.

A panel at TGS China led by Todd Mahlen, VP of Sales in China

TPSCo CEO Guy Eristoff welcoming everyone to TGS Japan



TowerJazz & TPSCo’s Participation in 2H 2016 Global Semiconductor Events

Showcasing our advanced technology offerings, world class design enablement services and multi-sourcing manufacturing capabilities

VISION | Stuttgart, Germany

TowerJazz & TPSCo exhibited for the third time at the world’s leading trade fair for the machine vision industry which hosted 441 exhibitors and almost 10,000 visitors from 58 countries. The main exhibitor crowd consisted of machine vision systems and applications for various industries such as mechanical engineering, automotive, and medical technology, among others. Participating at VISION gives TowerJazz and TPSCo the opportunity to showcase our leading CIS technology, meet with our customers, see their products and share in the pride of what we are producing with them.

ICCAD | Changsha, Hunan Province, China

TowerJazz exhibited at ICCAD, the biggest annual forum for fabless companies in China, to showcase our foundry technologies and demonstrate our continued dedication to our China customers. Over the past two years, TowerJazz has more than doubled our revenue in China with over 40 active customers. This year, ICCAD was held in Changsha, Hunan Province which enabled us to explore new business opportunities on top of our existing and growing business in China. In addition, Mr. Lei Qin, TowerJazz China Country Manager presented, “The Explosive Growth of RF ICs and related Product/Technology Trends,” including a discussion on new circuit development, application directions, and the market landscape in 5G and the IoT.

Mentor Tech Forum | Korea, Taiwan, China | Far East

TowerJazz presented Optimizing RF SOI Switch Performance: A Novel Application for Calibre Parasitic Extraction at several Mentor Tech Forums in the Far East including Taiwan, Korea and China (Shanghai and Beijing) as part of the long cooperation between our two companies. The presentation was geared to the design community and showcased our advanced technology along with Mentor’s special extraction to accommodate substrate parasitic for better simulation – closer to real silicon. The development was conducted by the design enablement team in Newport Beach, CA and was presented by Ofer Tamir, Director CAD and Design Support at TowerJazz Design Center in Natanya Israel.

EOS/ESD Symposium | Anaheim, CA | USA

TowerJazz demonstrated our novel empirical simulation flow of ESD protection circuits which supports our customers with an optimized solution for reliable chip design, enabling first time success and reduction in cost. This new simulation concept is designed to protect electronic devices in the case of an ESD event (the sudden flow of electricity between two electronically charged objects). Dr. Efraim Aharoni, TowerJazz Leader of ESD Development and Customer Support, presented, “Empirical ESD Simulation Flow for ESD Protection Circuits Based on Snapback Devices” and a 10-page paper was published in the conference proceedings.

A-SSCC 2016 | Toyama, Japan

TPSCo sponsored and exhibited TPSCo/TowerJazz technology at IEEE A-SSCC (Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference), one of the biggest international forums for presenting the most updated and advanced chips and circuit designs in solid-state and semiconductor fields. This year, A-SSCC 2016 was held in Toyama, Japan where TPSCo’s headquarters is located. Nearly 400 people came to this conference from around the world and it was a good opportunity to showcase our advanced technology to the industry experts, researchers, engineers and students.


Getting to Know Dr. Samir Chaudhry

Dr. Chaudhry is the Design Enablement Director at TowerJazz. He joined Jazz Semiconductor in 2003 as a SPICE modeling engineer focusing on RF CMOS and Statistical Modeling and has been leading the Design Kit and SPICE Modeling activities for TowerJazz since 2008. He has been intimately associated with the Compact Modeling Council in developing industry standard compact models for circuit simulation. Prior to joining Jazz Semiconductor, he was a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff with Bell Labs, where he worked on Technology CAD and device modeling for scaled silicon technologies. Dr. Chaudhry received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Florida. He has authored over 30 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences and has 14 patents in the field of silicon technology.

Q: Please tell us about your position, focus areas, etc.

A: My list of responsibilities is varied. I lead the SPICE modeling groups across TowerJazz and in this role we work with device and integration teams from our various business units to develop custom test-chips to characterize semiconductor devices such as MOSFETs, BJTs, inductors, transmission lines, resistors and capacitors. We then build compact modxels for the electrical behavior of these devices, so our customers can predict and optimize the performance of these devices in their circuits prior to fabrication.

In addition to this, the Design Kit group for the RF business unit and the Design Support group also report into my organization. The Design Kit team is responsible for developing parameterized cells and verification runsets that enable our customers to quickly synthesize their schematic circuit concepts into a manufacturing ready blueprint for our fabs. The Design Support group assists our customers through every stage of the design flow – from evaluation to tape-out and if needed, we assist with failure analysis and yield improvement.

Q: What do you enjoy about your position and what challenges you?

A: I love the interaction with both the TowerJazz engineers as well as our customer design teams. As part of the Design Enablement team, we truly are the liaisons between the fab and our customers during the concept and design phase of our customers’ products. It is very gratifying to hear when our customers’ designs are functional at the first attempt, though there are times when unexpected effects occur and cause a chip not to function as designed. We then become “detectives” looking for the “root-cause.” Our focus then is to develop models for these previously unknown effects, so future designs can work around them.

Q: What is your focus this year from a business standpoint?

A: My team’s focus is to help the company live to up its commitments to our customers. Specifically, we are focused on getting design kits and models for our emerging technologies in RF SOI, SiGe BiCMOS and Power Management/Mixed-signal CMOS delivered to our customers on, or ahead of, schedule so our customers can meet their time-to-market goals.

Q: What are some of your hobbies?

A: I enjoy swimming and hiking and an occasional game of racquetball, though I have been losing more than winning lately.

Q: What is your favorite travel destination?

A: I have traveled all over the world for both business and pleasure, but my favorite destination is in the country where I grew up – Sikkim, India. It is off the beaten path, in the Northeast (Himalayan) part of the country. With high mountain peak passes, death defying curves on the mountain roads, gushing rivers with footbridges that sway tens of feet, Tibetan monasteries, and beautiful people, it is truly a spectacular travel destination.


> All Press Releases


Researchers show viability of 5G communication with record-setting data rates

Keysight Technologies with the University of California San Diego have announced the longest bidirectional phased-array link in the 60 GHz band. At a link distance of 300 m, the 32-element array achieved a data rate of greater than 2 Gbps over all scan angles up to ±45 degrees. Data rates were 4 Gbps at 100 m and 500 Mbps at 800 m over most scan angles. The entire phased array consumed 3 to 4 W of DC power in either its transmit (Tx) or receive (Rx) modes. This is due to the high-performance system-on-a-chip (SoC) designs UC San Diego created using the third-generation silicon germanium BiCMOS standard buried collector (SiGe BiCMOS SBC18H3) process from TowerJazz, the global specialty foundry leader.

Keep the Bible Closer to the Heart with Nano Bibile Jewlery

TowerJazz has developed the nanotechnology to copy the Bible in its entirety into tiny chips. The chips are subsequently mounted to an assortment of jewelry and precious metals like pendants, lockets, watches, and bracelets. Even though it is small, this Jerusalem Nano Bible has every letter and punctuation mark present in the New Testament or Old Hebrew Bible. The content is printed on a silicon chip measuring only 5mm x 5mm. The Jerusalem Nano Bible was the brainchild of the Israeli entrepreneur, Ami Bentov, who partnered with TowerJazz to create the final product.

e2v Advanced CMOS Image Sensor Solutions Now Available with New State-of-the-Art TowerJazz Technology

TowerJazz announces new platform for next generation global shutter pixels for industrial and 3D applications, available at TPSCo’s 110nm Arai Fab

e2v’s standard and custom CMOS image sensor solutions are now available with a newly developed generation of global shutter pixels. This advanced solution has been developed by TowerJazz at TowerJazz Panasonic Semiconductor Co. TPSCo. Working together, e2v and TowerJazz have used their combined expertise to leverage this new technology and accelerate its availability to the market within a rapid time frame.

TPSCo’s ability to produce premium quality image sensors enabled TowerJazz to develop a significantly smaller global shutter pixel. e2v then integrated this new technology into its state-of-the-art industrial sensors. This innovation offers highly optimized electro-optical performance with impressively low dark current noise characteristics. This solution is the world’s smallest global shutter pixel, on a 110nm technology node with extremely high shutter efficiency. It will also serve next generation industrial and 3D gesture recognition market segments.

Tower-Jazz presents new Empirical Simulation Flow of ESD protection circuits

Israeli specialty foundry TowerJazz announced its novel Empirical ESD Simulation Flow of ESD protection circuits for reliable chip design which supports TowerJazz customers by enabling an optimized solution both in terms of cost and first time success.

TowerJazz’s new concept of Empirical ESD Modeling enables dynamic simulation of ESD protection circuits. It is demonstrated on snapback type protection devices which lack simulation models for most manufacturing technologies offered by foundries. The new concept is based on real device measurements as opposed to theoretical calculations, therefore providing more accurate and reliable simulation data for a given technology.

Tailored ESD protection design is especially crucial in applications where I/O customization is required such as in power management and CMOS image sensors.

TowerJazz and TPSCo Announce Stacked Deep PD Technology

TowerJazz and TowerJazz Panasonic Semiconductor Co. TPSCo announce a new state of the art CIS process based on stacked deep photodiode, allowing customers to achieve very high NIR sensitivity and realize extremely low cross-talk while keeping low dark current characteristics, using small pixels and high resolution.

This solution targets 3D gesture recognition and gesture control for the consumer, security, automotive and industrial sensors markets. NIR is becoming more and more popular in 3D gesture recognition applications and in automotive active vision applications for better visibility in harsh weather conditions.